Tuesday, April 6, 2010

spread the awareness: DADT must go

So this year Obama has pledged to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell, that asinine policy that helps perpetuate military homophobia. Unfortunately for a good friend of mine, it hasn't happened yet- and she's embroiled in a messy discharge case about whether being openly gay makes you unfit for military service. If you're "found out" to be homosexual, that's grounds for discharge, but apparently not if the upper ranks think you were trying to get out, and so keep you in as...what? Punishment?

Spread the awareness. Don't Ask, Don't Tell is a terrible law that contributes to the mistreatment and disrespect of gays in the military.

Her story can be found here and here.


  1. hmmm, you sure about those links? or am I just not seeing them on the linked page?
    I remember you telling us about the friend caught in the legal canoodlings of this law.

    You might consider contacting congresspeople if you really want to see this overturned. I doubt if Mr. Obama will actually do it without a lot of pressure.

  2. Gays in the Military is a complicated situation and there's more at stake than just allowing two completely different sexes to openly live and work amongst us. There's alot to implement and consider. Currently the military completely segregates males and females. Females aren't comfortable living with males. Why should males live with gay males? And vice-versa. Hence the current policy.
